nodejs ≠ node
In a bit older project we use theautoprefixer-rails
gem (and not webpacker
yet). After the version 10 update I saw following errors appear on the CI:
Autoprefixer doesn’t support Node v8.10.0. Update it.
I didn’t understand how this could happen. We use NVM to automatically install and configure node versions. So I expected it to be 10.22.1
instead of 8.10.0
I found out thatExecJS
auto-detects the node version on the system. You can run ExecJS::Runtimes.autodetect
in your Rails console to see what it chose. Interestingly this returned a hint on what was going wrong:
irb(main):007:0> ExecJS::Runtimes.autodetect
=> #<ExecJS::ExternalRuntime:0x00000000037449d0 @name="Node.js (V8)", @command=["nodejs", "node"], @runner_path="/home/semaphore/[redacted]/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/execjs-2.7.0/lib/execjs/support/node_runner.js", @encoding="UTF-8", @deprecated=false, @binary="nodejs", @popen_options={:external_encoding=>"UTF-8", :internal_encoding=>#<Encoding:UTF-8>}>
The command order was wrong for me (@command=["nodejs", "node"]
semaphore@semaphore-vm:~/[redacted]$ nodejs -v
semaphore@semaphore-vm:~/[redacted]$ node -v
Switching to the master branch of ExecJS
fixed the problem as the order was switched here:
Actually I made a fork which should work for NVM (but not default linux installations).