Oh yes! I also forgot to mention Marco's type fusion: https://github.com/marcoroth/type_fusionFeb 10Feb 10
space ≠ spaceDoes it seem as if there was still space left on your hard disk, but somehow there isn’t? You’re probably out of Inodes.Aug 25, 2021Aug 25, 2021
Conventionally-Typed RubyThe Ruby programming language is made for people, type annotations are not.Jul 14, 20211Jul 14, 20211
Don’t prefer `let!` over `let`This is an answer to the blog post of Jason Swett about the difference of let and let! in RSpec. I felt that it needs some clarification.Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
Comments in Rails migrationsUse change_column_comment and change_table_comment to add comments to your database.Jun 30, 2020Jun 30, 2020
Better Appsignal logs for HerUse Faraday request instrumentation for Appsignal for a more useful event timeline.Apr 30, 2020Apr 30, 2020
RSpec is_anticipated helperThis is about a little helper method called “is_anticipated” which complements “is_expected” — a trial to make RSpec even nicer.Mar 30, 2020Mar 30, 2020
Why not move everything to virtuality?I recently read the AI Revolution Series and the Elon Musk Series on WaitButWhy.Dec 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019
A hidden Ruby Regex featureDid you know that you can write Ruby Regex with the brackets operator directly on Strings? Embrace more functional code!Aug 29, 2019Aug 29, 2019
Conflicting WebMock and VCRFor a long time I used the Ruby gem WebMock to stub out HTTP requests in my test suites. It allows you to fine-tune what requests go out…Aug 12, 20191Aug 12, 20191
Execute SQL in Rails migrationsYou may come across the following irreversible Rails migration. It deletes all rows in a table.Jul 2, 20191Jul 2, 20191
Default gems hinder BundlerI use Bundler to manage my Ruby gem (packages). They are collected and configured in a Gemfile. Bundler reads this file, resolves…Feb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Path handler in MacOSX terminalIn the terminal we often see URLs or file paths. We mark them and copy‑and‑paste them into our tools of choice. You probably already knew…Jan 31, 2019Jan 31, 2019
Installing old Homebrew formulasHomebrew is a handy package manager for Mac OSX. You can easily install software the “apt-get install”-way by executing short commands in…Jan 11, 20193Jan 11, 20193
Test induced design damageOh no… not again. It’s almost dangerous to touch this subject as a professional. Let’s see if I turn into stone.Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
Building capybara-webkit 0.xCapybara is not only an animal but also a very powerful system testing library for Ruby. It uses a browser (also headless) to click through…May 24, 2018May 24, 2018